Mchedlova E.M. (2021), Confessions in the public legal environment, RSUH Mchedlova E.M. (2021), Confessions in the public legal environment, RSUH/RGGU Bulletin. Philosophy. Sociology. Art Studies Series, no. 4, pp. 71-79. ISSN 2073-6401DOI 10.28995/2073-6401-2021-4-71-79РИНЦ: on site: 31.03.22Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 31.03.2022)AbstractThe article describes the situation in the field of public policy and state-confessional relations, not only in the socio-cultural context, but also in the socio-political, legal, and confessional. The article analyzes confessional identity, which is becoming one of the main parameters of the modern political process and affecting the specifics of political institutions and systems. The independence of citizens from worldview preferences revealed during the monitoring sociological studies showed a relative unity of opinions about the images of the future and did not reveal irreconcilable contradictions between followers of different confessions, demonstrating sustainable value development. The article considers such public policy instruments as: populism, Euroscepticism, etc., used by religious confessions and their leaders in their activities. They advocate the protection of democratic values and basic human rights. Meanwhile, the growing degree of radicalization in the religious environment can lead to conflicts and temporary destabilization of society.