Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Farakhutdinov Sh.F., Klyueva V.P. Ethnic identity of the population of the Tyumen region. Sociology. 2022. No. 1. Pp. 163-172.

Farakhutdinov Sh.F., Klyueva V.P. Ethnic identity of the population of the Tyumen region. Sociology. 2022. No. 1. Pp. 163-172.
ISSN 1812-9226
DOI нет

Posted on site: 05.04.22



The article discusses the features of the ethno-confessional identity of the inhabitants of the Tyumen region. The results of a survey of the population and student youth, implemented by the authors in the fall of 2021, are analyzed. The description of such aspects of the problem under consideration as the specifics of determining one's ethnicity and assessing its importance is presented; factors of ethnic consolidation and preservation of national identity; the influence of the ethnic group on various spheres of life; relationships between different ethnic groups. The linguistic and confessional aspects of the issue under study are partially touched upon. The analysis shows differences in the views of the general population and students. It is concluded that the population of the region does not have extreme manifestations of ethnic identity, positive valency of the ethnic value-normative structure, as well as the minimum tension of social communication in the context of their identity system.