Ermolaeva Yu.V., Grechanaya A.a., Basheva O.A. Volunteer practices in the world and in Russia in the first wave of COVID-2019. Proceedings of Tula State University. Humanities. 2021. No. 4. Pp. 127-144. DOI 10.24412 ... Ermolaeva Yu.V., Grechanaya A.a., Basheva O.A. Volunteer practices in the world and in Russia in the first wave of COVID-2019. Proceedings of Tula State University. Humanities. 2021. No. 4. Pp. 127-144. DOI 10.24412/2071-6141-2021-4-127-144.ISSN 2071-6141DOI 10.24412/2071-6141-2021-4-127-144РИНЦ: on site: 05.05.22 AbstractBased on the methodology of media content analysis, the article examines the main volunteer practices in different regions of the world (using the example of Africa, Europe, Southeast Asia, the United States and Russia) in the first wave of the outbreak of the pandemic (February 2020-July 2020) in Russian-speaking and English-speaking Mass media, which made it possible to highlight the main practices of primary response and trace the mechanisms of the formation of spontaneous volunteer groups. The following types of practices of spontaneous response to a pandemic: reactive, preventive practices, in this case, hybrid (virtual, real); they differ depending on the resources of infrastructures and social communications, the regime of political power, the resources of the civil and volunteer sector (selforganization from below or initiatives of the state from above), priority social groups to whom assistance is provided. Most countries have focused on humanitarian aid, escort and delivery of essential items to those in need (vital needs). Practices providing psychological and social assistance remained in second place.