Voronin G.L., Kramer A.D. Informal Employment in Russia: Sociological Analysis. In: Sociology in assessment and analysis of modern society development: monograph ... Voronin G.L., Kramer A.D. Informal Employment in Russia: Sociological Analysis. In: Sociology in assessment and analysis of modern society development: monograph / A.M. Bekarev, G.S. Pak, E.Y. Bikmetov, G.L. Voronin [et al]. - N. Novgorod: N.I. NNSU named after N.I. Lobachevsky, 2022. P. 54-75.ISBN 978-5-91326-716-0DOI нетРИНЦ: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48060768Posted on site: 22.09.22 AbstractThe phenomenon of informal employment as one of the factors in the formation of the precariat in Russia is studied. Theoretical approaches to the definition of precariousness and informal employment, as well as their features are analyzed. The study of the scale of informal employment in Russia in 2002 - 2019 has been conducted. Based on the data of the Russian Monitoring of the Economic Situation and Health of the Population of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (RLMS-HSE). The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that socio-demographic indicators of workers included in informal employment, some characteristics of their labor activity, such as duration of working day and working week, individual income level, professional affiliation, education level, mobility in relation to workplace and profession; their socio-psychological and medical characteristics (satisfaction with of different aspects of labor activity: work in general, labor conditions, salary, opportunities for professional advancement and state of health); also the indicators of informally employed people were compared to those of the formally employed. New data on the state of the labor market as a whole is introduced into the scientific turnover. of the labor market in general and such its component as employment of formally unemployed workers. The reliability of the obtained results of the study is ensured by the fact that as an empirical basis were the results of observations over the past 18 years on the behavior of 8376 workers in the labor market without formal employment. In this respect, the results are unique in describing and understanding the precariat, a newly emerging social group in post-Soviet Russia. Russia. The results showed that the share of informally employed workers in the formal economy increased during the study period. Among informally employed workers, men, residents of large cities (regional centers) predominate. Informally employed workers are inferior to to the formally employed by a number of socio-demographic characteristics (level of education, remuneration, qualification level). The absence of professional guarantees has a negative impact on a number of labor, socio-psychological, medical indicators.Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents Введение.........................................................................................................4 Построение категориальной матрицы исследования взаимодействия между поколениями (Бекарев А.М., Пак Г.С.) ......................................8 Духовная природа труда и его гуманитарная функция (Бикметов Е.Ю.)....................................................................................36 Неформальная занятость в России: социологический анализ (Воронин Г.Л., Крамер А.Д.)..................................................................54 Экспертная оценка контента и контекста в системе обеспечения информационной безопасности детей (Грудзинский А.О., Полянина А.К.).......................................................................................76 Бедность в малых городах России в десятилетней перспективе: изменение взглядов на развитие партисипаторности на местном уровне (Ивашиненко Н.Н.)....................................................................96 Социальная ответственность малого бизнеса в современной России: от понимания к воплощению (Иудин А.А., Шпилев Д.А., Данилова Л.С.)......................................................................................119 Социокультурный анализ патриотизма социологии (Козырьков В.П.)..................................................................................140 Проблемы дистанционного обучения глазами студентов Нижегородского государственного университета им. Н.И. Лобачевского (Малкина М.Ю., Горбунова М.Л., Гринева О.М.)..............................157 Финансовое поведение российской студенческой молодежи (Малкина М.Ю., Рогачев Д.Ю.)...........................................................187 Проблемы адаптации в России европейского опыта подготовки и аттестации научных кадров в оценках отечественных исследователей: организационно-институциональные модели и социально-экономический контекст (Миронос А.А.)............................210 Регулирование социальных отношений, складывающихся в связи с разработкой и применением систем с искусственным интеллектом (Плехова Ю.О.)........................................................................228 Жестокое обращение с детьми VS пунитивные воспитательные практики: проблемы определения, учета и регулирования (Судьин С.А., Беседина О.А.)......................................................................................248 Междомохозяйственные неформальные экономические связи в моногороде (на примере г. Павлово) в преодолении бедности (Теодорович М.Л., Софронова Ю.Л., Шангин Н.В.)..........................266