Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Contribution to the history of Yugoslav sociology

Contribution to the history of Yugoslav sociology / Zinaida Golenkova ;[ translation from Russian Susanna [The chair]. - Belgrade : Serbian Sociological Society, 2022 (King: Graphicolor). - 245 p.
ISBN 978-86-81319-21-5
DOI нет

Posted on site: 14.11.22



A few words to the reader of the Serbian edition of my book a contribution to the history of Yugoslav sociology the first thing I would like to say is that the book was published almost forty years ago in Moscow and at that time was a reflection of the history of the sociological thought of the former Yugoslavia. Unfortunately, I was not able to learn more about the development of Sociological Science in today's Serbia. Nevertheless, I am extremely glad that this book has been translated into Serbian. Previously, the book history of sociological thought in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Belgrade, 2010), which I wrote with N. Narbu Tom, was translated and published, and the textbook sociology (D. Ž. Marković, Z. T. Golenkova, U. V. Šuvaković) was published.  Every author rejoices when his work is published and is brought before the court of readers. The pleasure is twice as great when a book is translated into another language and evaluated by those readers about whom it is written. Writing the history of science is always complex, especially if one takes into account the historical period through which they are passing


Голенкова З.Т.

Content (in russ)