Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Demographic well-being of Russia. National demographic report

Demographic well-being of Russia. National demographic report / S. V. Ryazantsev, T. K. Rostovskaya [and others]; rev. ed. S. V. Ryazantsev; FNISC RAS. – M. : ITD Perspektiva, 2022. – 108 p. DOI 10.19181/monogr.978-5-88045-557-7.2022. EDN YHMZPP
ISBN 978-5-88045-557-7
DOI 10.19181/monogr.978-5-88045-557-7.2022

Posted on site: 01.12.22

Текст книги.


The National Demographic Report was prepared by the research team of the Institute for Demographic Research of the Federal Scientific Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The report pays special attention to definitions, analysis of various approaches to the study of demographic well-being in the Russian national security system. The directions of demographic policy are revealed in the context of achieving the demographic well-being of Russia. Recommendations are also presented on the development of family, demographic and migration policies, employment policies in the context of the demographic well-being of Russia. The report is addressed to civil servants, researchers, university professors, graduate students and students

Content (in russ)

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