Levchenko N.V. Environmental policy in Russia, 1988-2008. Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2022. No 5. Pp. 159-163. Levchenko N.V. Environmental policy in Russia, 1988-2008. Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2022. No 5. Pp. 159-163.ISSN 0869-8120DOI нетРИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/contents.asp?id=49592134Posted on site: 12.12.22Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL: http://socgum-journal.ru/archive/?ELEMENT_ID=36152 (дата обращения 12.12.2022)AbstractThe article presents an analysis of the processes of changing the organizational structure of the environmental policy of Russia and Russian legislation. The analysis of official environmental documents and publications in the media was chosen as the research method. Also, a secondary analysis of data from qualitative studies and institutional changes in Russia’s environmental policy was carried out, and the correlation of institutional changes in environmental policy with economic transformations was carried out. The main points of structural changes during the formation, development and restructuring of Russian environmental policy are considered. In the course of the work, the causes and consequences of the destruction of state environmental regulation were analyzed. The study showed that in the early 2000s, payments for unorganized discharge of pollutants into water bodies were temporarily suspended, environmental funds were abolished, and other changes in the system of norms and rules took place. As a result, since 2000, the collection of funds was transferred to the federal tax authorities and payments began to enter the federal and regional budgets as non-earmarked, and could be spent not only on compensation for environmental damage, but also on any other needs. The analysis of changes in Russian legislation taking place from 2006 to 2013 in connection with the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi is carried out.