Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Chernyshev K.A., Petrov E.Yu. Educational migrations in the regions of the Chernozem region: identification of zones of attraction of city centers. In: Municipal formations of Russian regions: problems of research, development and management: materials of the V All-Russian interdepartmental scientific and practical conference with international participation (Voronezh, November 10-12, 2022) ...

Chernyshev K.A., Petrov E.Yu. Educational migrations in the regions of the Chernozem region: identification of zones of attraction of city centers. In: Municipal formations of Russian regions: problems of research, development and management: materials of the V All-Russian interdepartmental scientific and practical conference with international participation (Voronezh, November 10-12, 2022) / Under total edited by R.E. Rogozina. - Voronezh: Digital Polygraphy Publishing House, 2022. P. 189-191.
ISBN 978-5-907669-04-8
DOI нет

Posted on site: 14.12.22



Based on the data of the social network VKontakte, educational migrations in the territory of the Central Black Earth Region of Russia are considered. The structure of the collection of applicants from city centers of higher education in the regions of the Chernozem region is determined. The boundaries of the zones of attraction of city-centers are determined, including those that differ from the administrative boundaries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.