Sociocultural foundations of Soviet modernity : [monograph] Sociocultural foundations of Soviet modernity : [monograph] / O. V. Aksenova, E. K. Biyzhanova, K. V. Podyachev [et al.] ; ex. edit. O. V. Aksenova ; FCTAS RAS. – М. : FCTAS RAS, 2022. – 300 p.ISBN 978-5-89697-397-3DOI 10.19181/monogr.978-5-89697-397-3.2022Posted on site: 28.12.22Текст книги.AbstractThe monograph presents the results of the study of sociocultural specificity of Soviet modernity. The authors trace the transformation of Russian sociocultural tradition in the Soviet society, its combination with large-scale innovations. They conclude that the Soviet project was an organic part of the Russian civilization. The peculiarities of social action in Soviet society are also analyzed using the events of the Great Patriotic War as an example. The specifics of centralized governance in the USSR are revealed through the analysis of the development of remote territories. The civilizational mission of the Soviet Union, sociocultural factors of its collapse, and institutional and sociocultural “footprint” of the Soviet civilization in modern Russia and some post-Soviet states are examined. The book is addressed to a wide range of readers interested in Russian history, social scientists, students of sociology and political science. The monograph presents the results of the study of sociocultural specificity of Soviet modernity. The authors trace the transformation of Russian sociocultural tradition in the Soviet society, its combination with large-scale innovations. They conclude that the Soviet project was an organic part of the Russian civilization. The peculiarities of social action in Soviet society are also analyzed using the events of the Great Patriotic War as an example. The specifics of centralized governance in the USSR are revealed through the analysis of the development of remote territories. The civilizational mission of the Soviet Union, sociocultural factors of its collapse, and institutional and sociocultural “footprint” of the Soviet civilization in modern Russia and some post-Soviet states are examined.The book is addressed to a wide range of readers interested in Russian history, social scientists, students of sociology and political science.Авторы:Аксёнова О.В., Бийжанова Э.К., Левченко Н.В., , Подлесная М.А., Подъячев К.В., Роговая А.В.Редактор: Аксёнова О.В.Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents Предисловие........................................................................................................7 Введение.............................................................................................................9 Раздел 1. Парадигма социального действия и цивилизационный подход.......................................................................16 Дихотомия социального действия и субъектность человека...............18 Об эвристическом потенциале цивилизационной историософии......33 Раздел 2. Идеалы и смыслы советской цивилизации..............................65 Единое пространство институтов и ценностей.....................................66 Православие в СССР: институт церкви и активизм верующих..........92 Раздел 3. Парадоксы социокультурного освоения пространства.........131 Милитаризация, индустриализация и культура.................................132 Вдоль периметра: территориально-пространственное развитие советского приграничья в СССР........................................148 Раздел 4. Формирование нового человека: идеология и культура...158 Мультипликация в СССР как средство формирования «советского гражданина».....................................................................158 Культура в идеологии: публикации в газете «Правда».....................180 Раздел 5. Трансформация социокультурного феномена улицы и его роли в формировании ценностных ориентаций молодежи в СССР.................................................................192 Раздел 6. Великая Отечественная война как столкновение цивилизаций.................................................................................................225 Раздел 7. Саморефлексия в СССР. Парадоксы свободной мысли.......254 Заключение. Миссия советской цивилизации.......................................272 Библиографический список............................................................................280 Сведения об авторах.........................................................................................299