Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Kolennikova O. A., Toksanbaeva M. S. Systemic problems of institutions for assessing the qualification of medical specialists. Problemi socialnoi gigieni, zdravookhranenia i istorii meditsini. 2022;30(Special Issue):1027–1032 (In Russ.). DOI: http: ...

Kolennikova O. A., Toksanbaeva M. S. Systemic problems of institutions for assessing the qualification of medical specialists. Problemi socialnoi gigieni, zdravookhranenia i istorii meditsini. 2022;30(Special Issue):1027–1032 (In Russ.). DOI:
ISSN 0869-866X
DOI 10.32687/0869-866X-2022-30-s1-1027-1032

Posted on site: 30.12.22



Violation of the interconnected system of institutions for assessing the qualifications of medical specialists can be associated with two main circumstances. The first circumstance is the emergence of new institutions with duplicate tasks and organizational forms, and the second is the withdrawal from the system of an institution that performs the necessary system function. Two relatively new institutions, namely the independent assessment of qualifications (IAQ) and certification for the title of «Moscow Doctor», are considered from the point of view of these circumstances. The paper reveals that there is a convergence of the rules of the Institute of accreditation with the Institution of IAQ of qualifications, which can result in significant duplication of their activities. Therefore, it is necessary to resolve the issue of its possible unification with the Institution of accreditation while the IAQ is at the experimental stage and has not been put into practice. A certain similarity of the principles of activity can be traced in such institutions as certification for the qualification category and certification for the title of «Moscow doctor». Both of these institutions identify and rank the qualifications of specialists exceeding the basic level. The fundamental innovation of certification for the status of «Moscow Doctor» is that this institution actually introduces a qualification category that is higher than the current highest category. At the same time, this institution shows the importance of the institution of certification for a category whose existence is being questioned.