Medvedeva E.I. Ridge model as a tool for forecasting the demand for educational organizations; Forecast of changes in the number of students. In: Economic activity of the population in the field of education and labor: [monograph] ... Medvedeva E.I. Ridge model as a tool for forecasting the demand for educational organizations; Forecast of changes in the number of students. In: Economic activity of the population in the field of education and labor: [monograph] / O. A. Alexandrova, N. V., Alikperova [et al.]; ed. by A.V. Yarashev; FNISTC RAS. – M.: FNISTC RAS, 2022. P. 126-146.Глава из книги: Экономическая активность населения в сфере образования и труда: [монография] / О. А. Александрова, Н. В, Аликперова [и др.]; отв. ред. А. В. Ярашева; ФНИСЦ РАН. – М.: ФНИСЦ РАН, 2022. – 278 с. URL: 978-5-89697-403-1Posted on site: 08.01.23 AbstractThe monograph presents the results of the analysis of the activity of the population in the field of education and labor, as well as the transformation of socio-economic conditions that affect decision-making when choosing a future profession and the subsequent career path of a person. Economic activity of a person is considered as a way to achieve a high level and quality of life, affecting the possibilities of self-realization and satisfaction of needs in accordance with values.The materials presented in the monograph are intended for researchers, teachers of higher educational institutions, postgraduates and students: anyone who studies the problems of economic behavior of the population, external aspects and internal motivations of representatives of various strata of society and individuals, the results of decision-making which form a certain behavioral model when receiving education and carrying out work.Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents