Kalachikova, Olga, Kozlova, Olga & Arkhangelskiy, Vladimir Kalachikova, Olga, Kozlova, Olga & Arkhangelskiy, Vladimir. (2022) “Religious Determinant of Reproductive Intentions of Russians”, Gosudarstvo, religiia, tserkov’ v Rossii i za rubezhom 4(40): 105–138.ISSN 2073-7203DOI 10.22394/2073-7203-2022-40-4-105-138РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/contents.asp?id=50080926Posted on site: 09.01.23Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: https://religion.ranepa.ru/upload/iblock/813/4_Kalachikova,Kozlova,Arkhangelsky_GRC_4%202022_final2-105-138.pdf (дата обращения 09.01.2023)AbstractThe results of the study of the influence of religiosity on the repro‑ductive behavior of Russians, presented in the article, are basedon two sociological surveys: “Selective observation of the repro‑ductive plans of the population” conducted by Rosstat in 2012 (10thousand people in 30 regions of Russia) and “ Demographic well‑being of the regions of Russia,” held in October 2019 — March2020 in 10 regions (5.6 thousand people). The weight in both sur‑veys is assessed on the basis of answers to the question of how of‑ten a person reads prayers (appeals to God with prayers). Authorsalso use answers to the question about what religion a person be‑longs to. A preliminary analysis showed that the answers to thequestion of whether a person considers him‑ or herself believer arenot informative. The article analyzes religion‑related differencesin reproductive orientations — the desired and expected numberof children; the prevalence of orientations for a large number ofchildren; the motives for the birth of third children; and the importance of children in comparison with other life values. The linkbetween reproductive intentions and religiosity was confirmed indefining a preferred number of children. An analysis of the per‑ception of living conditions in terms of their impact on reproduc‑tive behavior depending on religiosity showed that both believersand non‑believers are equally aware of the importance of the so‑cio‑economic conditions of family life for the realization of repro‑ductive intentions.