Improving the legal regulation of attracting migrants to the regions. In: Russian society and the state in the conditions of the formation of a new world order: demographic situation in 2022 : [monograph] ... Improving the legal regulation of attracting migrants to the regions. In: Russian society and the state in the conditions of the formation of a new world order: demographic situation in 2022 : [monograph] / S. V. Ryazantsev [et al.] ; ed. by S. V. Ryazantsev, T. K. Rostovskaya ; FNISTC RAS. — Moscow : Prospect, 2023. P. 343–374.Глава из книги: Российское общество и государство в условиях становления нового мирового порядка: демографическая ситуация в 2022 году : [монография] / С. В. Рязанцев [и др.] ; отв. ред. С. В. Рязанцев, Т. К. Ростовская ; ФНИСЦ РАН. — Москва : Проспект, 2023. — 448 с.ISBN 978-5-392-38629-1DOI 10.НЕТ-DOIPosted on site: 06.03.23 AbstractThe section analyzes the current state of legal regulation of migration in the subjects of the Russian Federation. Particular attention is paid to legal instruments aimed at attracting migrants to the regions, and opportunities for their improvement.