Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Ivchenkova M. The Role of National Experts in European Integration (Based on the Analysis of Montenegro Think Tanks). Socioloska Luca. 2020. Vol. 14. No. 2. Pp. 102-108.

Ivchenkova M. The Role of National Experts in European Integration (Based on the Analysis of Montenegro Think Tanks). Socioloska Luca. 2020. Vol. 14. No. 2. Pp. 102-108.
ISSN 1800-8232
DOI нет

Posted on site: 09.03.23

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The process of European integration brings the list of social risks for each state. A significant challenge at all stages of European Integration is preserve national and cultural identity. Preserving the national identity is one of the key task for Montenegro’s unique and distinctive culture. Unified European integration processes require adaptation to the social, economic and political characteristics of Montenegro. The country should articulate its interests and monitor all stages of integration not only through politicians and government but with more soft social institutions such as think tanks. This article deals with analyzing key Montenegro think tanks, as well as analyzing the agenda of that organizations, their aims and research programs. Special research interest was focused on finding ways for preserving the national and cultural identity under European integration through scientific and expert community and promotion expert knowledge in politic processes. According to our research it seems promising not only promote the national think tanks but also attract national experts in leading think tanks of the European Union. We mentioned the importance of national experts involving in EU think tanks because their interests and knowledge are maximally focused on minimizing the negative social consequences of integration for Montenegro.