Zhuravleva I.V., Lakomova N.V. The role of school in the formation of adolescent health: socio-cultural and regulatory aspect. Sociology of Medicine. 2022. Vol. 21. No. 2. Pp. 159-170. Zhuravleva I.V., Lakomova N.V. The role of school in the formation of adolescent health: socio-cultural and regulatory aspect. Sociology of Medicine. 2022. Vol. 21. No. 2. Pp. 159-170. ISSN 1728-2810DOI 10.17816/socm252066РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=50457954Posted on site: 05.04.23Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: https://rjsocmed.com/1728-2810/article/view/252066 (дата обращения 05.04.2023)AbstractThe importance of adolescent health is due to the fact that it determines the future health of adults, as well as the fact that trends in this category are characterized by the most negative indicators compared to other age groups of the population. The purpose of the study is to update the significance of the problem of adolescent health in the structure of school innovations. The study was carried out in 2022 by the staff of the Institute of Sociology of the Federal Scientific Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the form of a review based on the analysis of 92 relevant sources (scientific research and regulatory documents). Although strengthening the health of children and adolescents is recognized in Russia as a national task that requires an interdepartmental approach and action by almost all ministries and departments, the reality is different. In schools where children spend 70% of their daytime, the necessary conditions for their health have not been created. Two aspects of these conditions - medical and educational - in the field of health are considered. The medical aspect is associated with an insufficient number of medical rooms in educational institutions, the quality of their equipment, a lack of medical personnel, and the presence of contradictions in the regulatory framework on this issue. The educational aspect, on which the formation of a culture of students' health depends, also remains unrealized. Three reasons for the absence of the subject Health in the school curriculum and the peculiarities of the formation of the need for health care among schoolchildren, including with the help of the media, are considered. A change in the state of two important aspects of the health of children and adolescents in the structure of school education - medical and educational - seems real in the case of solving regulatory and legal issues related to the elimination of existing contradictions in the information base on the issues of medical provision of educational institutions. Raising the level of public health culture and the formation of a unified preventive environment that ensures a healthy lifestyle should become a practical state task.