Mamonova O.N. Self-identification of Russian doctors as a factor of social security in the Eurasian space. In: Social security in the Eurasian space [Text] : materials II International Scientific Conference (December 16, 2022) [Electronic resource] ... Mamonova O.N. Self-identification of Russian doctors as a factor of social security in the Eurasian space. In: Social security in the Eurasian space [Text] : materials II International Scientific Conference (December 16, 2022) [Electronic resource] / edited by I. A. Grosheva. – Tyumen : Branch of ANO VO IDK in the Tyumen region, 2023. P. 97-103. 1 electron. opt. disc 12 cm. (CD-ROM).ISBN 978-5-6049007-3-4DOI нетPosted on site: 20.04.23 AbstractIn this article the issues of self-identity of professional group of Russian doctors are considered, a number of indicators during the transformation in modern conditions of Eurasia are proposed.