Kucher D.E., Kharchenko V.S., Kharchenko S.G. Modeling of the university's fire risk management strategy. Innovation & Investment. 2023. No. 3. Pp. 130-134. Kucher D.E., Kharchenko V.S., Kharchenko S.G. Modeling of the university`s fire risk management strategy. Innovation & Investment. 2023. No. 3. Pp. 130-134.ISSN 2307-180XDOI нетРИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=50480742Posted on site: 08.05.23Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL: http://innovazia.ru/upload/iblock/614/74dikgy3wcvvq5vihsh9np2mk0rd7eo0/№3%202023%20ИиИ.pdf (дата обращения 08.05.2023)AbstractThe article is devoted to the problem of fires in universities and ways to organize the firefight management using the decision analysis methodology and DPL program tools. It is substantiated that in order to successfully oppose a fire threat a university needs to develop a competent fire risk management strategy, which in turn requires the use of modern graphic modeling methods. The article presents the scientific direction of decision analysis focused on quantitative strategy development. The terminology of the scientific direction is explained, the application of its methodology in practice is shown and the corporations in which the methodology has been proven are listed. The article proposes a graphical model based on the DPL programming language that takes the main factors influencing fire safety decision making at the university into account. The main stages of the model creation are presented in details: the identification of its elements, the evaluation of the elements characteristics, taking into account the functional relationships between them, the creation of the model structure and its visualization with a help of such graphical tools as an influence diagram and a decision tree. It is concluded that the DPL graphical model makes it possible to effectively organize firefight management and develop a competent fire risk management strategy of the university.