Nazarova I.B., Moskovskaya A.A. Possible incentives for cooperation between big business and social entrepreneurs. Journal of Wellbeing Technologies. 2023. No 1 (48). Pp. 173-189. Nazarova I.B., Moskovskaya A.A. Possible incentives for cooperation between big business and social entrepreneurs. Journal of Wellbeing Technologies. 2023. No 1 (48). Pp. 173-189. ISSN 2658-4956DOI 10.18799/26584956/2023/1/1519ÐÈÍÖ: on site: 13.06.23Òåêñò ñòàòüè íà ñàéòå æóðíàëà URL: (äàòà îáðàùåíèÿ 13.06.2023)AbstractThe article discusses the expediency of a rating assessment that takes into account the cooperation of large companies operating in Russia with social entrepreneurs. The current situation in Russia demonstrates the lack of the cooperation and the great need for the support of social enterprises from big business. Purpose. Deter-mine the possibility of big businesses and social entrepreneur’s cooperation in ratings. Results. Analysis of the methodology of the most reputable organizations/rating agencies (assessing big businesses) operating in Rus-sia shows that the goals of rating agencies are related to identifying the best charitable programs, best practic-es of corporate social policy of companies, and their social orientation, the best managers of large companies in the field of corporate social responsibility and informing the public about the activities of companies. Conclu-sions. The analysis of the methodology also showed that there are nominations and indicators that could take into account the interaction of companies with social entrepreneurs. In particular, sustainable development, corporate social responsibility of the company, including charitable activities and activities to preserve envi-ronmental well-being can be assessed taking into account interaction with social enterprises. Social entrepre-neurs can offer their cooperation to big business in the implementation of social projects from which big busi-ness, social enterprises and society can benefit. Big business could play the role of supporting social entrepre-neurship, participating in the development of social business and creation of new jobs in the region.