Latov Y.V. Expert Opinion about Russian Professionals: Trends, Paradoxes, Problems. Voprosy teoreticheskoy ekonomiki. 2023. No. 2. Pp. 118–132. Latov Y.V. Expert Opinion about Russian Professionals: Trends, Paradoxes, Problems. Voprosy teoreticheskoy ekonomiki. 2023. No. 2. Pp. 118–132. ISSN 2587-7666DOI 10.52342/2587-7666VTE_2023_2_118_132РИНЦ: on site: 10.07.23Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 10.07.2023)AbstractTh e article based on interviews with 15 experts who are representatives of the Russian scientifi c community. Th e situation is analyzed, that has developed in Russia with such a category of workers as professionals. Th e latter are specialists with a high educational level, working in areas organically related to creative mental work. Th e growing social role of this category of workers in the modern world is based on the possession of human capital. Th is is the most important resource of the new economy. Such aspects of the topic as the status of professionals as a social group, the specifi cs of the human capital of Russian professionals and the features of the capitalization of their personal characteristics, as well as their interest in increasing their human capital, are considered. Th e theme of internal and external migration of professionals is highlighted as a motive for more successful capitalization of personal potential. Th e article concludes with a study of the problem of the prospects for the evolution of Russian professionals. As experts state, this social group is still underformed, which is largely due to Russian specifi cs, in which social capital is oft en a more signifi cant factor than human capital. In general, domestic professionals are only at the initial stage of objective institutionalization and subjective articulation as a full-fl edged social class.