Pinchuk A.N., Tikhomirov D.A., Karepova S.G., Litovko M.A. (2023) Karyernye strategii rabotnikov sfery intellektualnykh delovykh uslug (na primere moskovskikh kompaniy) [Career strategies of employees in the field of Knowledge-Intensive Business Services (on the example of Moscow companies)]. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii [The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology], 26(2): 110–134 (in Russian). Pinchuk A.N., Tikhomirov D.A., Karepova S.G., Litovko M.A. (2023) Karyernye strategii rabotnikov sfery intellektualnykh delovykh uslug (na primere moskovskikh kompaniy) [Career strategies of employees in the field of Knowledge-Intensive Business Services (on the example of Moscow companies)]. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii [The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology], 26(2): 110–134 (in Russian). ISSN 1029-8053DOI 10.31119/jssa.2023.26.2.6РИНЦ: on site: 11.08.23Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 11.08.2023)AbstractThe article presents the results of a sociological study aimed at identifying the types of career strategies of modern employees in the field of knowledge-intensive business services. The conceptual framework of the study explicates a subjectivist approach in which career strategies reflect the vector of movement towards subjectively determined career goals, thereby revealing the agency of the subject, his choice of career development direction and actions implemented in this direction. Empirical research materials include data from a questionnaire survey (133 respondents) and 11 interviews conducted in Moscow companies in 2022. The survey data served as the basis for hierarchical cluster analysis, which resulted in the identification of three target segments representing different models of career strategies. Thus, in accordance with the direction of the reproduced actions, cluster profiles of «exemplary», «passive» and «proactive» workers were compiled, personal and individual characteristics and features of respondents’ career goals were shown in the context of cluster groups. A separate focus of research attention was directed to subjective assessments of intra-organizational and non-organizational conditions for the implementation of career strategies, which allowed us to consider incentives and barriers to building a career in the field of knowledgeintensive business services. The resulting picture is complemented by interview narratives in which employees of Russian companies talked about their own career prospects in a situation of dynamic changes in the labor market and offered various scenarios for the further development of Russian companies in the field of knowledge-intensive business services in modern conditions