Galkin K.A. (2023) Book Review: Skinner M.W., Andrews G.J., Cut chinu M.P. (eds.) (2018) Geographical Gerontology: Perspectives, Concepts, Approaches. London; New York: Routledge. Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology, 26(2):249-257. https: ... Galkin K.A. (2023) Book Review: Skinner M.W., Andrews G.J., Cut chinu M.P. (eds.) (2018) Geographical Gerontology: Perspectives, Concepts, Approaches. London; New York: Routledge. Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology, 26(2):249-257. . EDN: xRYCTPISSN 1029-8053DOI 10.31119/jssa.2023.26.2.11.РИНЦ: on site: 29.08.23Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 29.08.2023)AbstractOne of the most significant problems when considering the role of the elderly in modern Russian society is a certain formlessness, structurelessness of this group and the absence of any criteria for its separation. In new studies on the elderly, this group is presented mainly as demographic, with special preferences and everyday life, the specifics of the life world (Dobrokhleb 2017; Wenger 2021). However, the separation of the elderly there are no people for generations, as well as attention to the environment (primarily to the geographical place within which aging occurs) in these studies are absent or are put on the back burner Review on the book: Skinner М.Ц., Andrews П.О., Catchin М.Р. (eds.) (2018) Geographical Gerontology: Perspectives, Concepts, Approaches. London; New York: Routledge.