Kashepov A.V. Pension reform: Preliminary results and assessment of their impact on the economic situation of older age groups of the population. Social and labor research. 2023. No. 3 (52). Pp. 56-67. Kashepov A.V. Pension reform: Preliminary results and assessment of their impact on the economic situation of older age groups of the population. Social and labor research. 2023. No. 3 (52). Pp. 56-67.ISSN 2658-3712DOI 10.34022/2658-3712-2023-52-3-56-67РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/contents.asp?id=54510144Posted on site: 26.09.23Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL: https://vcot.info/assets/img/magazine/issues/2023/52.pdf (дата обращения 26.09.2023)AbstractThe object of the study is the older age groups of the population (55+), their socio-economic status, and employment in the context of the pension age reform ongoing in the Russian Federation. The purpose of the paper is to study world experience, the consequences of the Russian pension reform of 2018, and its impact on the finances of the Pension Fund, the income and employment of pensioners, to substantiate the connection between raising the retirement age and the increasing demographic burden on citizens of working age, with the aging of the population, the increase in average life expectancy, verification of previously made predictions. Based on statistical data, the author made an attempt to assess the motivation of authorities in countries around the world and the Russian Federation for institutional changes in the situation of the older generation, as well as the consequences of raising the retirement age and the transformation of the employment status of this socio-economic group. During the research, methods of correlation and regression analysis of scientific literature, regulations of the ILO and the Government of the Russian Federation, statistical data of the UN, and the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) were used. The object of the study is the older age groups of the population (55+), their socio-economic status, and employment in thecontext of the pension age reform ongoing in the Russian Federation. The purpose of the paper is to study world experience, theconsequences of the Russian pension reform of 2018, and its impact on the finances of the Pension Fund, the income andemployment of pensioners, to substantiate the connection between raising the retirement age and the increasing demographicburden on citizens of working age, with the aging of the population, the increase in average life expectancy, verification ofpreviously made predictions. Based on statistical data, the author made an attempt to assess the motivation of authorities incountries around the world and the Russian Federation for institutional changes in the situation of the older generation, as wellas the consequences of raising the retirement age and the transformation of the employment status of this socio-economicgroup. During the research, methods of correlation and regression analysis of scientific literature, regulations of the ILO and theGovernment of the Russian Federation, statistical data of the UN, and the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) were used.