Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Kuriukin A.N. Russia 2020: Industry 4.0 and Sustainable Development Issues. Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023. Vol. 13. No. 4. Pð. 65–73.

Kuriukin A.N. Russia 2020: Industry 4.0 and Sustainable Development Issues. Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023. Vol. 13. No. 4. Pð. 65–73.
ISSN 2223-0092
DOI 10.33693/2223-0092-2023-13-4-65-73

Posted on site: 09.10.23



In the  article, the  author considers the  question of  the  relationship between the  integration of  innovations, united by the concept of Industry 4.0, and the concept of sustainable development, which in modern conditions of civilizational turbulence continues to be in the foreground. Taking as a basis the basic components of the sustainable development paradigm – the economy, society and ecology, the author examines the impact on them of basic innovations generated on technologies that make up the essence of Industry 4.0 – big data, artificial intelligence, the Internet of things, Internet services, cyber-physical systems. The results of the analysis show that there are ultimately two basic scenarios that can be formed on the basis of scientific discourse: an optimistic one, whose supporters tend to see only positive features of accelerating the development of the economy and society of modern civilization, thanks to the introduction of innovations, and a pessimistic one, whose supporters point to the likelihood of social and environmental shocks that can be expressed in a significant, and possibly almost complete restructuring of modern social reality, leading to the disappearance of entire professions, the transition of huge masses of the population at the world level to the poverty line, a radical transformation of  social interaction practices and the “fabric” of  social reality at  all. The  author advocates the  so-called balanced approach, which is applied in this work.