Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Dibirova A.P. Gender differences in the assessment of processing by members of the LGBT communities of their views (by the materials of the survey of residents of the NCFD of the Russian Federation). Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: historical, political and sociological sciences. 2023. No. 8 (106). P. 20-26. DOI: 10.31618 ...

Dibirova A.P. Gender differences in the assessment of processing by members of the LGBT communities of their views (by the materials of the survey of residents of the NCFD of the Russian Federation). Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: historical, political and sociological sciences. 2023. No. 8 (106). P. 20-26. DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2023.3.106.1870
ISSN 2782-2494
DOI 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2023.3.106.1870

Posted on site: 09.10.23

Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 09.10.2023)


The article analyses the results of mass and expert surveys on the possibility of accepting open homosexuality and same sex marriages in the North Caucasian society. The absolute majority of the respondents were against the open homosexuals, their rallies and meetings; against open supporters of the legalization of same-sex marriages working with students, as well as against the presence books on the LGBT topics in libraries. There was complete unanimity among opponents of homosexuals positioning themselves as their orientation, regardless of gender and location of the survey. Among the supporters of an open positioning of the views discussed, much more diversity was found, both depending on the location of the survey and the gender of its participants. This is evidenced by the high coefficient of variation of the data. The women from Dagestan turned out to be the most tolerant: their tendency towards positive answers continued throughout the entire survey. Men from Karachay-Cherkessia and North Ossetia gave the largest number of positive answers in all blocks of the study. The men of Ingushetia supported the negative version of the answers throughout the entire survey.