Zubko A.V., Sabgayda T.P., Semyonova V.G., Muzykantova N.N. Mortality associated with preventable causes of deaths from cardio-vascular diseases in the pre-COVID period and during the pandemic in Russia. Social'nye aspekty zdorov'a naselenia [serial online] 2023; 69(1):6. Available from: http: ... Zubko A.V., Sabgayda T.P., Semyonova V.G., Muzykantova N.N. Mortality associated with preventable causes of deaths from cardio-vascular diseases in the pre-COVID period and during the pandemic in Russia. Social`nye aspekty zdorov`a naselenia [serial online] 2023; 69(1):6. Available from: http://vestnik.mednet.ru/content/view/1450/30/lang,ru/. DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2023-69-1-6. (In Rus).ISSN 2071-5021DOI 10.21045/2071-5021-2023-69-1-6РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=53252808Posted on site: 16.10.23Текст с татьи на сайте журнала URL: http://vestnik.mednet.ru/content/view/1450/30/lang,ru/ (дата обращения 16.10.2023)AbstractSignificance. The healthcare system can manage preventable causes of death if timely and effective interventions are in place including interventions aimed at improving living conditions and lifestyle of the population. Which diseases of the circulatory system are preventable? These are chronic rheumatic heart diseases and arterial hypertension at least in ages 5-64, and cerebrovascular diseases. The updated list of treatable diseases includes ischemic heart disease originally considered as a non-manageable cause. In the pre-COVID period the mortality structure underwent quality changes in terms of diseases and age distribution since the impact of preventive measures can manifest itself both in the decreased share of preventable causes and increased life expectancy of patients with cardio-vascular diseases. Did the gain in the age structure of preventable mortality from cardio-vascular diseases (CVD) sustain during the pandemic? The purpose of the study is to analyze contribution of preventable causes to cardio-vascular diseases mortality in the pre-COVID period and during the pandemic in Russia. rtality from diseases of the circulatory system using PYLL-70.