Chashchin VP, Askarov RA, Askarova ZF, Franz MV, Lakman IA, Rakhmatullin RN, Utyasheva IB. Estimate of potential years of life lost in the Republic of Bashkortostan population over 2000—2020. Profilakticheskaya Meditsina. 2023;26(2):41‑49. (In Russ.) https: ... Chashchin VP, Askarov RA, Askarova ZF, Franz MV, Lakman IA, Rakhmatullin RN, Utyasheva IB. Estimate of potential years of life lost in the Republic of Bashkortostan population over 2000—2020. Profilakticheskaya Meditsina. 2023;26(2):41‑49. (In Russ.) 2305-4948 DOI 10.17116/profmed20232602141РИНЦ: on site: 20.10.23Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 20.10.2023)AbstractObjective. To assess the change of the contribution of deaths due to the leading causes to the overall potential years of life lost (PYLL) for the Republic of Bashkortostan population and analyze the PYLL distribution by age groups. Material and methods. Potential years of life lost in the Republic of Bashkortostan population were assessed based on the da- ta from the territorial authorities of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Republic of Bashkortostan (form C 51) and Rosstat. Standardized PYLL coefficients were calculated based on the European standard for the population’s age structure. The age ranges for the PYLL assessment were defined for 5-year age groups 0 to 69 years for the leading causes in 2000, 2015, and 2020. Meth- odological guidelines for the parameter «Potential years of life lost» were used to calculate the PYLL value. Results. It was found that the absolute, relative, and standardized PYLL values decreased over the studied period (from 570,254 to 420,094, from 15,095.6 to 11,428.4, and from 16,155.2 to 11,104.3, respectively). The study showed that in 2000 the most significant demographic and socio-economic damage was due to external causes of death (43.3% in males, 24.2% in females), and in 2020 the contribution of this cause to the overall PYLL decreased more than twice (24.4% in males and 12.6% in females), yielding the pas to the cardiovascular diseases. Significant changes in the contribution to the PYLL for fe- males and males occurred due to death from digestive tract diseases (in 2000, 2.3% for males, 2.8% for females; in 2020, 7.7% for males, 10.5% for females), respiratory diseases (in 2000 5.0% for males, 4.8% for females; in 2020 8.7% for males, 10.2% for females). High demographic losses from external causes of death and certain infectious and parasitic diseases were observed in young age groups (in the groups of 25—49 and 30—49 years, respectively) and from cardiovascular diseases and neoplasms in the group of 55—59 years. The age group 50—59 years made the most significant contribution to the PYLL in respiratory dis- eases, and the age group 40—44 years in digestive tract diseases. Significant gender differences in PYLL were identified: in males, PYLL from all causes was 2.9 times higher than in females in 2000 and 2.2 times in 2020; from external causes, 5.2 and 4.3 times, respectively. Conclusion. The results of the assessment of losses using the «Potential years of life lost» parameter, calculated for the leading causes of death, help analyze the effectiveness of republican programs aimed at reducing mortality, especially considering gen- der and age context.