Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Financovoe поведение населения (мониторинговое исследование): [монография]

Financovoe поведение населения (мониторинговое исследование): [монография] / O. A. Александрова, N. V. Alikperova [et al.]; Red. E. I. Medvedeva, S. V. Kroshilin ; FNISC RAS. - M.: FNISC RAS, 2023. - 270 p. URL:
ISBN 978-5-89697-422-2
DOI 10.19181/monogr.978-5-89697-422-2.2023

Posted on site: 09.11.23

Текст книги.


The monograph presents the results of the analysis of the financial behavior of the population in the conditions of transformation of socio-economic processes that affect decision-making when choosing financial and consumer, credit and savings strategies of a person. Financial behavior of a person is considered as a way to achieve an appropriate level of income and quality of life, affecting economic opportunities and the ability to meet the needs for the purchase of goods and services in modern conditions of unprecedented sanctions pressure and the withdrawal of a significant number of foreign manufacturers from the Russian market. The materials presented in the monograph are intended for researchers, teachers of higher educational institutions, postgraduates and students, i.e. anyone who is interested in the problems of financial behavior of the population, exogenous and endogenous factors affecting the choice of credit, savings behavior of various strata of Russian society and individuals.



, , , , Казакова Е.Д., , Марков Д.И., , Сейфуллаева М.Э.,
Редакторы: ,

Content (in russ)

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