Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Mikhaylenok O.M., Nazarenko O.M. Activation of political relations: source, method, environment (Part 2: the method and environment of politica)l. Socio – humanitarian knowledge. 2023. No. 10. Pp. 112-117.

Mikhaylenok O.M., Nazarenko O.M. Activation of political relations: source, method, environment (Part 2: the method and environment of politica)l. Socio – humanitarian knowledge. 2023. No. 10. Pp. 112-117.
ISSN 0869-8120
DOI 10.34823/SGZ.2023.10.52029

Posted on site: 14.11.23

Òåêñò ñòàòüè/âûïóñêà íà ñàéòå æóðíàëà URL:ÑÃÇ%20¹10%202023.pdf (äàòà îáðàùåíèÿ 14.11.2023)


This article deals with the second and third components in the net­work of political relations – the method of their implementation and the political peace of the world. It is advisable to bring the situa­tion to its logical conclusion – to consider what is on the outside of a person as a political subject. The high degree of temporality, in­tensity, and latency of relations in politics requires an intuitive, ana­lytical establishment of their similarities and differences for the sub­sequent determination of the phenomena being studied as phenom­ena. Since from a methodological point of view the network view of politics tends towards a phenomenological approach, we are talking about the phenomenon of the human and its connection with the phenomenon of nature. This presupposes simultaneously a two-di­mensional dimension of the subjects of relations and their political natural “images” – spatial-topological and temporal. The process of dynamic reflective production of political “images” is seen as a con­sequence of the circulation of discourses that arises due to the con­stant change in the pattern of density and direction of relations be­tween subjects. Since active nodes and active relationships can be distinguished among interacting political subjects – people, they can be considered network-forming. In accordance with the fractal prin­ can become attractive to their environment. Thus, the logic of netciple, coupled with the scaling of the network of relationships, they work interaction encourages a person, as a subject of relationships, to learn to correctly use his emotional and rational “capital”. Thanks to this, the network of political relations will be able to increase its adaptive “self-learning” intellectual potential, so desired for the sub­sequent evolution of network nodes, without simultaneously leaving the limits of human and natural nature. Network political relations will be focused not on building molar institutions and molecular flows, but on the production of multiple discursive practices that will allow reaching agreement between network nodes regarding their joint evolution with nature. As a result, the networkization of politics can become a driver of the “politicization of life.” ­