Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Volkov Yu.G., Kurbatov V.I., Gavrilov P.S. Formation of the Environmental Identity of Educational Migrants in Russian Universities. Sociology. 2023. No. 4. Pp. 156-164.

Volkov Yu.G., Kurbatov V.I., Gavrilov P.S. Formation of the Environmental Identity of Educational Migrants in Russian Universities. Sociology. 2023. No. 4. Pp. 156-164.
ISSN 1812-9226
DOI 10.24412/1812-9226-2023-4-156-164

Posted on site: 04.12.23

Текст статьи на сайте Cyberleninka URL: (дата обращения 04.12.2023)


The paper shows that the adaptation of foreign students is expressed in the formation of the so-called environmental identity along with the ethno-cultural identity, which is expressed in their inclusion in the social relations of the host society and in adaptation to the multicultural educational environment of the university, in inclusion in intercultural communication, through which intercultural tolerance and multicultural communicative competencies, which are markers of the integration of foreign students into the multi-ethnic environment of the university, city and region, is an important factor in integrating their multi-ethnic educational environment of the university and the host society. The environmental identity of foreign educational migrants has a hybrid character, i.e. is expressed in a complex mixture of various sociocultural components, including the characteristics of the multi-ethnic educational environment of the university, in the embedding of foreign educational migrants in intercultural communication, which contributes to the formation of intercultural tolerance and multicultural communicative competencies, which are markers of the integration of foreign students into the multi-ethnic environment of the university, city and region.