Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Mchedlova M.M. Religious contexts in discourses of identity. In: Identity: The Individual, Society, and Politics. New Outlines of the Research Field ...

Mchedlova M.M. Religious contexts in discourses of identity. In: Identity: The Individual, Society, and Politics. New Outlines of the Research Field / Edited by I.S. Semenenko ; IMEMO RAS. - Moscow : Izdatelstvo Ves Mir, 2023. P. 196-206.
ISBN 978-5-7777-0922-6
DOI нет

Posted on site: 22.12.23

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The present study, carried out by a group of scholars from IMEMO in coopera tion with reputable academic and university institutions in Russia, focuses on the current state of discussions on theoretical and methodological aspects of identity research in the social sciences. In the spotlight are emerging trends that evidence the transformation of identity studies into the mainstream of political science, and identity construction and competition – into key areas of public policy. The authors examine the complex notion of identity as presented in re search on theory of social and political change and analyze discourses and nar ratives featuring identity as a salient topic, seeking to shed light on the dynam ic nature of identity in the face of profound upheavals in the structure of the contemporary world order. Special attention is paid to the notion of develop ment and development policies, to the complex nature of identity politics, and to international topics, including security, sovereignty and civilization in their relation to identity politics and to discursive power. The study also explores a number of notions that characterize identity transformations which have re cently gained increasing relevance, and presents an analysis of metaphors re lated to the dynamics of politically significant identities that are now deeply rooted in media and expert discourse. The research is complemented by an overview of promising topics to promote studies in the field. The current vol ume continues the line of research presented in the encyclopedic edition «Identity: The Individual, Society, and Politics» published in 2017. It will be of interest to researchers, experts, teachers and students, and all those who study mass and individual consciousness and seek to understand and evaluate the in fluence of identity on social and political development.

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