Sapov V.V. Pitirim Sorokin o T. Parsonse [Pitirim Sorokin about T. Parsons]. Nasledie [Heritage]. 2023. No. 1 (22). Pp. 94–109. Sapov V.V. Pitirim Sorokin o T. Parsonse [Pitirim Sorokin about T. Parsons]. Nasledie [Heritage]. 2023. No. 1 (22). Pp. 94–109.ISSN 2312-0517DOI 10.31119/hrtg.2023.1.4РИНЦ: on site: 22.12.23Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 22.12.2023)AbstractThe problem of scientific rivalry between Pitirim Sorokin and T. Parsons goes far beyond the scientific relationship between the two great sociologists, but covers the problem of the correlation of at least two national traditions in sociology that developed in the XX century - Russian and American. The article analyzes this problem on the basis of the material contained in the last book of Pitirim Sorokin - «Sociological Theories of Today» (1966), and articles published by domestic and foreign researchers