Mchedlova M.M. Securitization of Migration: статьи Sociocultural Ontology of Contemporaneity. Journal of International Analytics. 2023. Vol. 14. No. 3. Pp. 127-141. Mchedlova M.M. Securitization of Migration: статьи Sociocultural Ontology of Contemporaneity. Journal of International Analytics. 2023. Vol. 14. No. 3. Pp. 127-141. ISSN 2587-8476 DOI 10.46272/2587-8476-2023-14-3-127-141РИНЦ: on site: 25.12.23Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 25.12.2023)AbstractThe study takes as its starting point the incorporation of the socio-cultural factor into the cognitive schemes of politics as a key trend in changing the interpretive logic of political ontology. The depletion of conventional epistemological instruments for interpreting modern world sociopolitical constructions prompts inquiry into new cognitive perspectives. Migration is one factor that concentrates the spectrum of ongoing transformations within the conceptual and discursive spaces built around it. The article examines the contradictions between the generalisation of Western experience and forms of collective identity, the evolving understanding of the border, and the diversifi cation of political actors that have arisen due to migration fl ows. The reimagining of migration in the context of security is a theoretical, political, and instrumental force in shaping contemporary society. It alters the customary fi elds of politics, value hierarchies, dominant cognitive frameworks, and global order. The reimagining of migration in the context of security is a theoretical, political, and instrumental force in shaping contemporary society. The reimagining of migration in the context of security is a theoretical, political, and instrumental force in shaping contemporary society. Drawing on various narratives, this article shows that the securitization of migration in public consciousness and political practice perpetuates a fear of a total security vacuum and perceived threats.