Rozhdestvenskaya E.Yu. Social Technology for Providing Social Assistance to Families with Children: Implementa-tion Experience and Evaluation of Effectiveness. Mo ni to ring of Pub lic Opi ni on: Eco no mic and Social Chan ges. 2023. No. 5. P. 3–25. Rozhdestvenskaya E.Yu. Social Technology for Providing Social Assistance to Families with Children: Implementa-tion Experience and Evaluation of Effectiveness. Mo ni to ring of Pub lic Opi ni on: Eco no mic and Social Chan ges. 2023. No. 5. P. 3–25.ISSN 2219-5467DOI 10.14515/monitoring.2023.5.2406РИНЦ: on site: 27.12.23Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 27.12.2023)AbstractThe article presents the study of the effectiveness of casework technology aimed at restoring the family’s ability to independently cope with difficult life situations and satisfying the child’s basic needs. The evaluation is implemented in a mixed qualitative-quantitative methodology and employs a model of technology management assessment in terms of W. Trochim. A qualitative assessment of the technology was carried out using semistructured interviews with case managers and supervisors. The quantitative stage included a statistical analysis of family monitoring data obtained during the implementation of the technology in six selected Family and Child Care Centers in Moscow. The authors estimate correlations and descriptive statistics for various indicators and test proposed monitoring scales for inter-nal consistency using Cronbach's Alpha coefficient. Analysis of the interviews allowed to identify the main components of the technology’s success and barriers that may stand in the way of its successful implementation. The advantages of the analyzed technology include systematicity, consistency, coherence, internal consistency of the stages, high accuracy and quality of the provided diagnosis of family problems, the potential for early identification of risks of a crisis situation in the family, the emergence of tools understandable to a specialist, the possibility of formalizing, organizing and archiving case work. Barriers to the successful implementation of the technology are associated with the high workload of supervisors, including large volume of paperwork, lack of support and mentorship for supervisors, and the complexities of the technology description language, which at the same time creates the potential of its optimization. The quantitative data obtained indicate the presence of positive dynamics in the state of families in general, including a reduction in the risk of child abuse in the family. Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents