Ermolaeva Y.V. Interaction with the Natural environment as a Factor influencing health, Psychological well-being, proenvironmental behavior. Sociology. 2023. No. 5. Pp. 111-120. DOI 10.24412 ... Ermolaeva Y.V. Interaction with the Natural environment as a Factor influencing health, Psychological well-being, proenvironmental behavior. Sociology. 2023. No. 5. Pp. 111-120. DOI 10.24412/1812-9226-2023-5-111-120ISSN 1812-9226DOI 10.24412/1812-9226-2023-5-111-120Posted on site: 12.01.24AbstractInteraction with the environment is the fundamental basis for creating a complex of self-identification as part of the natural world, creating a complex of knowledge about the principle of the functioning of the surrounding world, the principles of pro-ecological behavior. Based on a meta-analysis of studies, few variables were found. The available evidence supports the overall positive role of early exposure to nature on mental health, but taken together, the evidence does not suggest that exposure at any particular life stage is more markedly associated with higher levels of health and well-being than at other Социология №5 2023 119 stages. The possibility of high-quality interaction with nature largely depends on the environment (urban / rural); time spent in nature; as a lived experience. As part of the development of the urban environment, both for the ecology of the city and for human well-being, a sufficient level of development of green areas is extremely necessary. The effect of interaction with nature in the framework of the formation of pro-ecological behavior at different stages of the life path was different, early experiences increased the likelihood of pro-ecological behavior, but the quality of the experience and its comprehension turned out to be more important, which contributed to the formation of ecological identity and commitment to social and environmental practices.