Orekhova I.M. Types of activities of the self-employed in Tuva at the present time. In: Informal employment in Russia and Mongolia in modern conditions: kol. monogr. ... Orekhova I.M. Types of activities of the self-employed in Tuva at the present time. In: Informal employment in Russia and Mongolia in modern conditions: kol. monogr. / scientific ed. Z. T. Golenkova, ed. D. D. Badaraev. – Ulan-Ude: Publishing House of the BNC SB RAS, 2023. P. 139-155.ISBN 978-5-7925-0663-3DOI нетPosted on site: 14.01.24 AbstractThe emergence of a statistically significant group of officially registered self-employed is of great interest to scientists, since it makes it possible to study it comprehensively, which was practically impossible with regard to the informal group of self-employed. The researchers were hampered by the degree of legality of the studied group, so they mainly studied potential, rather than real self-employed. The self-employed of Tuva can be divided into two groups. Firstly, these are the so-called traditional self-employed, who represent the types of work typical for the republic. Although, as for the traditional self-employed, they can be called new with a big stretch. They have existed in Tuva for centuries and have been recognized and respected in society, but only recently have they received official recognition. The traditional self-employed include independent arats (shepherds, herders, reindeer herders), embroiderers, stonecutters, shamans, performers of throat singing. Secondly, a group is being formed in the region that can be attributed to the modern self-employed. It is represented by professions belonging to the tertiary sector of the economy. These are hairdressers, beauty industry specialists, babysitters and tutors, repair technicians, car mechanics, i.e. the composition of this group is typical for the self-employed in Russia as a whole. The emergence of a statistically significant group of officially registered self-employed is of great interest to scientists, since it makes it possible to study it comprehensively, which was practically impossible with regard to the informal group of self-employed. The researchers were hampered by the degree of legality of the studied group, so they mainly studied potential, rather than real self-employed.The self-employed of Tuva can be divided into two groups. Firstly, these are the so-called traditional self-employed, who represent the types of work typical for the republic. Although, as for the traditional self-employed, they can be called new with a big stretch. They have existed in Tuva for centuries and have been recognized and respected in society, but only recently have they received official recognition. The traditional self-employed include independent arats (shepherds, herders, reindeer herders), embroiderers, stonecutters, shamans, performers of throat singing. Secondly, a group is being formed in the region that can be attributed to the modern self-employed. It is represented by professions belonging to the tertiary sector of the economy. These are hairdressers, beauty industry specialists, babysitters and tutors, repair technicians, car mechanics, i.e. the composition of this group is typical for the self-employed in Russia as a whole.Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ Предисловие (З. Т. Голенкова)……………………………………..…...4 Раздел 1. Неформальная занятость в призме методологии и современной практики 1.1. Региональная специфика неформальной занятости в России и Монголии (З. Т. Голенкова, Ц. Цэцэнбилэг, Д. Д. Бадараев, Ю. В. Голиусова, А. Д.-Б. Самба)…………………………………………………..…….8 1.2. Неформальная занятость: теоретико-методологические аспекты изучения (Ц. Цэцэнбилэг)…………………………………………...………20 1.3. Особенности неформальной занятости в современном монгольском обществе (Т. Бурэнжаргал, С. Тумэндэлгэр, Ц. Одгэрэл)…………..27 1.4. Неформальные практики в степях Забайкалья: сбор сапожниковии (И. Д. Ван, В. О. Намжилова)……………………………………….…37 Раздел 2. Самозанятость как социальное явление и новый налоговый эксперимент 2.1. Внедрение в России специального налогового режима «Налог на профессиональный доход» в зеркале статистики: региональные различия (Т. Г. Горина)…………………………………………………………...……46 2.2. Самозанятость в общественном сознании россиян (Н. В. Проказина, Е. А. Алексеенок)………………………………………………………..72 2.3 Молодежная самозанятость: мотивация и социальное самочувствие (Т. Г. Анисимова, А. Л. Маршак)…………………………………………..84 2.4. Адаптивные стратегии предпринимателей в период пандемии (Т. Г. Горина)………………………………………………………………...94 Раздел 3. Самозанятость на российско-монгольском трансграничье: состояние и динамика изменений 3.1. Самозанятые Тувы: мотивация, причины выбора, ориентация на цифровое пространство (Ю. В. Голиусова, В. Б. Кефели, А. Д.-Б. Самба)……………………………………………………………………………126 3.2. Виды деятельности самозанятых Тувы в настоящее время (И. М. Орехова)…………………………………………………………………….139 3.3. Самозанятость в Республике Бурятия: проблемы, перспективы и психологические аспекты мотивации (А. М. Бадонов, З. А. Бутуева, А. А. Михалев, Т. Ц. Тудупова)…………………………………..………155 3.4. Платформенная занятость в Республике Бурятия (на примере Wildberries) (А. В. Бильтрикова)…………………………………………..168 Заключение (З. Т. Голенкова, Д. Д. Бадараев)……………………….175 Источники и литература……………………………………………..179 Список авторов…………………………………………….……….…194