Demyanenko V. I. Regional development as a process and result in the sociology of management. Bulletin of the South Russian State Technical University. Series: Socio-economic Sciences. 2023; 16(6): 51–62. (In Russ.). http: ... Demyanenko V. I. Regional development as a process and result in the sociology of management. Bulletin of the South Russian State Technical University. Series: Socio-economic Sciences. 2023; 16(6): 51–62. (In Russ.). 2075-2067DOI 10.17213/2075-2067-2023-6-51-62РИНЦ: on site: 01.02.24Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 01.02.2024)AbstractThe purpose of the article is to analyze scientific and practical literature studying the organization of joint activities aimed at regional development. The methodological base consists of current scientific and practical works that explore and reveal the processes of managing the development of territorial entities and communities. The methods used were conceptual (describing key ideas and terms in the subject area) and comparative (identifying common features and trends in the research literature) analysis. Research results. It has been revealed that in modern discourse, territorial communities are considered within the framework of a regional approach, as sociocultural spaces in the relationship between the particular and the general. Key scientific and practical discussions regarding regional management are concentrated within the framework of two dichotomies — universal-unique and natural-artificial. The term «regional development» has an established description of the process and result. Approaches to monitoring regional development as a tool of practical management and methodological tools of a scientist are considered. The prospects for the research lie in the development of methodological tools for conducting empirical research that scientifically substantiates approaches to organizing joint activities (programs, projects, interaction mechanisms, engagement practices, etc.) aimed at the development of regions.