Nikiforov S.V. The problem of gaps in international law and the global regulatory system (on the example of the scientific and technical sphere of international relations). In: International legal problems of modern international economic order: A collective monograph of the Department of International Law of the RFTA of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. – Moscow: Russian Foreign Trade Academy, 2024. P. 128-138. EDN EJHUKZ. Nikiforov S.V. The problem of gaps in international law and the global regulatory system (on the example of the scientific and technical sphere of international relations). In: International legal problems of modern international economic order: A collective monograph of the Department of International Law of the RFTA of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. – Moscow: Russian Foreign Trade Academy, 2024. P. 128-138. EDN EJHUKZ.ISBN 978-5-9547-0233-0DOI íåòÐÈÍÖ: on site: 08.04.24 AbstractOne of the main problems of international law and, accordingly, the international legal order that develops on its basis is the problem of gaps. It is especially clearly manifested in relatively new areas of interstate relations, in which there is a general lack of international treaties, in particular, in the fields of scientific, technical and social relations (digital, telecommunications, energy, environmental spheres, genetic engineering, artificial materials, automation of production based on electronics, creation of artificial intelligence, etc.). Gaps in international legal regulation should be considered insufficiency (absence) certain norms of international law, incompleteness and/or ambiguity of such norms. Today, the problem of gaps in international law is exacerbated by the transformation of the entire international system. There is an obvious connection between the presence, volume of gaps and the state of law and order. Filling gaps is a necessary component of the development of international law and the global regulatory system.Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents Îãëàâëåíèå Ïðåäèñëîâèå.......................................................................................... 7 Ãëàâà 1 ÎÁÙÈÉ ÂÇÃËßÄ ÍÀ ÑÎÂÐÅÌÅÍÍÛÉ ÌÅÆÄÓÍÀÐÎÄÍÛÉ ÝÊÎÍÎÌÈ×ÅÑÊÈÉ ÏÐÀÂÎÏÎÐßÄÎÊ ............................................................................... 9 Â.Ì. Øóìèëîâ Ãëàâà 2 ÌÅÆÄÓÍÀÐÎÄÍÎ-ÏÐÀÂÎÂÛÅ ÏÐÎÁËÅÌÛ ÌÅÆÄÓÍÀÐÎÄÍÎÃÎ ÒÎÐÃÎÂÎÃÎ ÏÐÀÂÎÏÎÐßÄÊÀ ........... 35 À.Ñ. Ñìáàòÿí Ãëàâà 3 ÊÐÈÏÒÀ, ÊËÈÌÀÒ, ÍÀËÎÃÈ È ÏÐÎ×ÅÅ — Î ÑÎÂÐÅÌÅÍÍÛÕ ÏÎÄÕÎÄÀÕ Ê ÏÐÎÁËÅÌÀÌ ÌÅÆÄÓÍÀÐÎÄÍÎÃÎ ÔÈÍÀÍÑÎÂÎÃÎ ÏÐÀÂÎÏÎÐßÄÊÀ ..... 50 È.Ì. Ëèôøèö Ãëàâà 4 ÌÅÆÄÓÍÀÐÎÄÍÎ-ÏÐÀÂÎÂÛÅ ÏÐÎÁËÅÌÛ ÐÅÃÈÎÍÀËÜÍÛÕ ÈÍÒÅÃÐÀÖÈÎÍÍÛÕ ÝÊÎÍÎÌÈ×ÅÑÊÈÕ ÎÁÚÅÄÈÍÅÍÈÉ ......................................... 63 È.À. Øóëÿòüåâ Ãëàâà 5 ÍÅÊÎÒÎÐÛÅ ÏÐÎÁËÅÌÍÛÅ ÀÑÏÅÊÒÛ Â ÏÐÀÊÒÈÊÅ ÇÀÊËÞ×ÅÍÈß È ÏÐÈÌÅÍÅÍÈß ÄÂÓÑÒÎÐÎÍÍÈÕ ÌÅÆÄÓÍÀÐÎÄÍÛÕ ÄÎÃÎÂÎÐΠ.............................................. 72 Ä.Ý. Êèöìàðèøâèëè Ãëàâà 6 ÌÅÆÄÓÍÀÐÎÄÍÎ-ÏÐÀÂÎÂÛÅ ÏÐÎÁËÅÌÛ ÎÁÅÑÏÅ×ÅÍÈß ÄÀËÜÍÅÉØÅÉ ÈÍÒÅÃÐÀÖÈÈ Â ÐÀÌÊÀÕ ÅÀÝÑ ............................................................................... 82 Ì.Ð. Ñàëèÿ Ãëàâà 7 ÏÐÎÁËÅÌÛ ÌÅÆÄÓÍÀÐÎÄÍÎ-ÏÐÀÂÎÂÎÃÎ ÐÅÃÓËÈÐÎÂÀÍÈß Â ÐÀÌÊÀÕ ÈÍÑÒÈÒÓÒΠÅÂÐÀÇÈÉÑÊÎÉ ÝÊÎÍÎÌÈ×ÅÑÊÎÉ ÈÍÒÅÃÐÀÖÈÈ (ÑÍÃ, ÑÎÞÇÍÎÅ ÃÎÑÓÄÀÐÑÒÂÎ ÐÎÑÑÈÈ È ÁÅËÀÐÓÑÈ, ÅÀÝÑ) ....................................................................... 96 Ñ.Â. Êîìåíäàíòîâ Ãëàâà 8 ÏÐÎÁËÅÌÍÛÅ ÀÑÏÅÊÒÛ ÑÎÂÐÅÌÅÍÍÎÃÎ ÍÎÐÌÀÒÈÂÍÎÃÎ ÐÅÆÈÌÀ  ÅÑ ............................................... 110 Í.Ã. Èùåíêî, Í.Í. Ìàçàåâà, Å.Í. Ìîíîêèí Ãëàâà 9 ÏÐÎÁËÅÌÀ ÏÐÎÁÅËΠ ÌÅÆÄÓÍÀÐÎÄÍÎÌ ÏÐÀÂÅ È ÃËÎÁÀËÜÍÎÉ ÍÎÐÌÀÒÈÂÍÎÉ ÑÈÑÒÅÌÅ (ÍÀ ÏÐÈÌÅÐÅ ÍÀÓ×ÍÎ-ÒÅÕÍÈ×ÅÑÊÎÉ ÑÔÅÐÛ ÌÅÆÄÓÍÀÐÎÄÍÛÕ ÎÒÍÎØÅÍÈÉ) ......................................... 128 Ñ.Â. Íèêèôîðîâ Ãëàâà 10 ÏÐÎÁËÅÌÍÛÉ (ÊÐÈÒÈ×ÅÑÊÈÉ) ÀÍÀËÈÇ ÌÅÆÄÓÍÀÐÎÄÍÎÃÎ ÏÐÀÂÀ ....................................................... 139 Â.Ë. Òîëñòûõ Ñâåäåíèÿ îá àâòîðàõ è èõ îñíîâíûõ òðóäàõ .................................. 155