Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Rostovskaya T.K., Ivanova A.E., Shabunova A.A. Peculiarities of regulation of marital, reproductive and self-preservation behavior in terms of ensuring demographic security in Russia. In: Demographic well-being of Russian regions. National demographic report — 2023 ...

Rostovskaya T.K., Ivanova A.E., Shabunova A.A. Peculiarities of regulation of marital, reproductive and self-preservation behavior in terms of ensuring demographic security in Russia. In: Demographic well-being of Russian regions. National demographic report — 2023 / T. K. Rostovskaya, A. A. Shabunova [et al.] ; ed. T. K. Rostovskaya, A. A. Shabunova ; FNISTC RAS. — Vologda : Vologda Scientific Center, 2024. P. 9-20.

Глава из книги: Демографическое самочувствие регионов России. Национальный демографический доклад — 2023 / Т. К. Ростовская, А. А. Шабунова [и др.]; отв. ред. Т. К. Ростовская, А. А. Шабунова; ФНИСЦ РАН. — Вологда: Вологодский научный центр, 2024. — 336 с.
ISBN 978-5-89697-427-7
DOI 10.19181/monogr:978-5-89697-427-7.2024

Posted on site: 06.06.24



Section I "Demographic development of Russia in the context of national security of the country" presents analytical materials related to the peculiarities of regulation of marital, reproductive and self-preservation behavior. The first feature is associated with the need to create a favorable image of a large family as a central landmark and object of state policy of national conservation. It is planned to achieve the goal of state policy in the field of saving the people of Russia and developing human potential by solving a key task related to increasing the birth rate and creating motivation for having many children among young people. This research task is relevant for the Institute of the Federal Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which is currently conducting systematic work on the formation and establishment of the Institute of the student family as a resource for socio-economic and demographic development.The establishment of the legal status of the student family is required, and the development at the federal level of a nationwide project "Student family – a resource for demographic development". This project includes the development and implementation of measures aimed at socio-economic support for the establishment and development of the institute of student (children's) families. The second feature, focused on ensuring the demographic security of the country, is related to the role of men in modern Russian society and the phenomenon of responsible fatherhood. On the part of the academic community, at the initiative of the Institute of National Research and Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in 2023, an Action Strategy was developed to save men and support responsible Fatherhood (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy), which was presented on February 17 at the All–Russian Symposium "The Role of Men in Modern Russian Society". The strategy is a fundamental document defining the main directions of state policy in relation, firstly, to the formation of self-preserving behavior of men and strengthening the sociodemographic potential of the male population as the main resource for ensuring national security of the Russian Federation, secondly, it is aimed at forming a social norm/model of responsible fatherhood, increasing the status of men in the family sphere, ensuring intergenerational transmission and forming the continuity of Russian traditional values. Considering the third feature aimed at ensuring the demographic security of the country, attention should be paid to the issues of self-preservation behavior of the Russian population. Despite the results achieved over the past 1.5 decades in reducing mortality, the effects obtained are limited, and the marked slowdown in life expectancy growth in recent years before the COVID-19 pandemic indicates that the sources of extensive life expectancy growth are being depleted, and the achievability of the national goal according to this criterion, while maintaining established approaches, is under threat. In this regard, the Institute of National Research and Development of the Russian Academy of Sciences considers it necessary to develop an interdisciplinary research project related to solving the nationally significant task of healthy longevity, aimed at creating conditions for strengthening health and human potential development throughout life, as well as strengthening state policy in terms of saving the people of Russia.