Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Voronov V.V. Divergence Profiles of Communication Processes between Latvia and Russia. Russia & World: Sc. Dialogue. 2024;(2):96-123. (In Russ.) https: ...

Voronov V.V. Divergence Profiles of Communication Processes between Latvia and Russia. Russia & World: Sc. Dialogue. 2024;(2):96-123. (In Russ.)
ISSN 2782-3067
DOI 10.53658/RW2024-4-2(12)-96-123

Posted on site: 11.06.24

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 11.06.2024)


The article, based on a large volume of literature, sociological research, various statistical and analytical materials, regulations, materials from various mass media and social networks, presents an analysis of the deepening split of historically similar (according to the criteria of G.Hofstede) neighboring societies of Latvia and Russia. 12 groups of communications defining the content of the Latvian information space in relation to Russia are considered: foreign policy, economy, attitude towards Russia and Russians, education, science, culture, media, non-profit organizations, youth, freedom of movement, religious and interreligious, interregional communications. The results of the study show that Latvians and Russians are divided not so much by ethnic characteristics or the specifics of culture and traditions, as by issues of political history. At the same time, the negativization of the Russian state and Russians is undertaken mainly not by the population, but by the ruling political elite of Latvia, whose behavior is entirely determined by the interests of the countries of the Anglo-Saxon world. The currently obvious divergence of the development paths of historically similar societies that have been in the same civilizational space for centuries has led to a differentiation of communication manifestations. Signs of an accelerating divergence of communication processes between Latvia and Russia are characteristic of foreign policy communications, relations with Russia and Russians, culture, mass media and some other areas. Profiles of containment of divergence of communication processes are typical for religious and interreligious communications, youth, scientific, freedom of movement and some others. The results obtained allow us to hope with restrained optimism for the restoration of good-neighborly communication ties and relations between Latvia and Russia in the foreseeable future.