Zheleznyakov A.S. Arkhivyn salbart hamtran ajillah Oros-Mongolyn hamtarsan komissyn ajild oroltsson tuhai. Arkhivyn salbart hamtran ajillah Mongol, Oros hamtrasan komiss - 30 zhil (1992-2022). Archivny barimt bichig, gerel zurag, dursamzhiin emkhetgel. Editor: Samdangiin Enkhbaatar, Chuluuny Oyuunchimeg. Ulaanbaatar, 2023. 207-213 dakh tald. (Zheleznyakov A.S. About participation in the work of the Russian-Mongolian Commission for Cooperation in the Field of Archives. Russian-Mongolian Commission for Cooperation in the Field of Archives - 30 years (1992-2022). Collection of archival documents, photographs and memories. ... Zheleznyakov A.S. Arkhivyn salbart hamtran ajillah Oros-Mongolyn hamtarsan komissyn ajild oroltsson tuhai. Arkhivyn salbart hamtran ajillah Mongol, Oros hamtrasan komiss - 30 zhil (1992-2022). Archivny barimt bichig, gerel zurag, dursamzhiin emkhetgel. Editor: Samdangiin Enkhbaatar, Chuluuny Oyuunchimeg. Ulaanbaatar, 2023. 207-213 dakh tald. (Zheleznyakov A.S. About participation in the work of the Russian-Mongolian Commission for Cooperation in the Field of Archives. Russian-Mongolian Commission for Cooperation in the Field of Archives - 30 years (1992-2022). Collection of archival documents, photographs and memories. / Ed. Samdangiin Enkhbaatara, Chuluuny Oyuunchimega, Ulaanbaatar - (in Mongolian), 2023, pp. 207-213).ISBN 978-9919-9577-8-0DOI нетPosted on site: 11.06.24 AbstractThis article analyzes the historical activities of the Russian-Mongolian Commission for Cooperation in the Field of Archives from the point of view of its direct participant. An attempt is made to assess the impact of the Commission’s work on the course of the struggle and the distortion of the historical past of Russian-Mongolian relations using the example of working with archival documents describing the activities of the Comintern in Mongolia. The question is raised about the mutual influence of political processes and significant scientific research that affects the historical aspect of interstate relations, domestic and foreign policy. A conclusion is drawn about the significance of the work of the Russian-Mongolian Commission on Cooperation in the Field of Archives in a difficult and controversial period in the history of bilateral relations between Russia and Mongolia.Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents ГАРЧИГ Архивын ерөнхий газрын дарга С.Энхбаатарын мэндчилгээ............................... 3 Өмнөх үг........................................................................................................................................................ 5 Хамтарсан комиссын түүхэн замналаас.......................................................................... 7 Хамтарсан комиссын хуралдаанууд....................................................................................... 62 Хамтран зохион байгуулсан үзэсгэлэнгүүд.......................................................................... 187 Хамтран гаргасан архивын баримт бичгийн эмхэтгэлүүд.................................202 Монголын судлаачид ОХУ-ын төв архивуудад ажилласан нь.............................. 246 Монгол, Оросын архивын салбар дахь мэргэжлийн хамтын ажиллагаа... 270 Хамтарсан комиссын түүхэн он цагийн товчоон (1992-2022 он).................. 284