Volkova O.A. Practices of Public Organizations of the Eurasian Economic Union in Ensuring Demographic Security. Labor and Social Relations. 2024. Vol. 35. No. 2. P. 140-149. DOI: 10.20410 ... Volkova O.A. Practices of Public Organizations of the Eurasian Economic Union in Ensuring Demographic Security. Labor and Social Relations. 2024. Vol. 35. No. 2. P. 140-149. DOI: 10.20410/2073-7815-2024-35-2-140-149ISSN 2073-7815DOI 10.20410/2073-7815-2024-35-2-140-149РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/contents.asp?id=68522502Posted on site: 25.06.24Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL: https://atiso.ru/upload/iblock/c37/g1deodrigmunpa0u4t4mv1rf294pgjv0/-2_2024.pdf (дата обращения 25.06.2024)AbstractThe article concerns the analysis of the activities of public organizations operating in the territory of the EAEU countries and working to solve demographic problems. The purpose of the article is to study the practices of public organizations of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) to ensure the demographic security of the participating countries. The research uses methods of generalization of theoretical data, statistical analysis, comparative analysis, synthesis and systematization. It is concluded that public organizations of the EAEU countries are carrying out practical work to preserve demographic security in their regions. It is proved that the list of partners and co-organizers of the events is more often indicated by government authorities rather than other specialized public organizations. It has been revealed that there is still no network integration of specialized public organizations between demographically oriented organizations of the EAEU countries. Meanwhile, such horizontal cooperation could facilitate the exchange of practical experience and improve the quality of work with the public. It is proved that the position of not only the EAEU bodies, but also national governments is of great importance in the issue under study. They could more actively carry out measures to provide state support and stimulate the social integration networking of public organizations whose activities are aimed at preserving demographic security.