Rakhmonov A.Kh., Akramov Sh.Yu. Cultural adaptation of migrants in the host community. Work and social relations. 2024. Vol. 35. No. 3. Pp. 170-177. Rakhmonov A.Kh., Akramov Sh.Yu. Cultural adaptation of migrants in the host community. Work and social relations. 2024. Vol. 35. No. 3. Pp. 170-177.ISSN 2073-7815DOI 10.20410/2073-7815-2024-35-3-170-177РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/contents.asp?id=68518496Posted on site: 05.07.24Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL: https://atiso.ru/upload/iblock/2c8/on3ceci0oxeyazn78l028sa6cpi7bcmg/-3_2024.pdf (дата обращения 05.07.2024)AbstractThe article examines the issues of cultural adaptation of migrants in the host community, which is an important aspect of their successful integration. The study is based on an analysis of data and practices in five foreign countries: the USA, Germany, Canada, Australia and Sweden. Various approaches and programs aimed at promoting the cultural adaptation of migrants, including language education, vocational training, social support and cultural awareness, are presented. The main problems of cultural adaptation are related to language barriers, social exclusion, cultural differences and discrimination. The article emphasizes the need for coordination between government agencies and public organizations to create conditions conducive to the successful integration of migrants. Data on international migration are included, as well as quotations and conclusions from foreign and Russian researchers, which allows for a better understanding of the significance and complexity of the process of cultural adaptation of migrants. The purpose of the study is to identify the most effective practices of cultural adaptation of migrants, based on the experience of various countries, and to offer recommendations for improving integration processes in other contexts.