Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Ilyicheva L.E., Parshina E.V. On the problem of digitalization policy of social partnership States and civil society. Finance, money, investments. 2024. No. 1 (89). pp. 25-31. DOI 10.36992 ...

Ilyicheva L.E., Parshina E.V. On the problem of digitalization policy of social partnership States and civil society. Finance, money, investments. 2024. No. 1 (89). pp. 25-31. DOI 10.36992/2222-0917_2024_1_25.
ISSN 2222-0917
DOI 10.36992/2222-0917_2024_1_25

Posted on site: 15.07.24



The article raises the problem of digital social partnership as a new form of cooperation between government agencies and public structures based on the use of digital technologies. They make it possible to optimize the processes of interaction between the state and civil society in making regional political decisions and make such a partnership operational, flexible, as open and accessible as possible. The author identifies a number of areas in which the policy of digitalization of social partnership manifests itself and concludes that the main goal of this policy is to create conditions and mechanisms that could, on the one hand, ensure real participation of citizens in government, and, on the other hand, would contribute to the development of the city based on a joint decision by the state and civil society and the business of urban problems on mutually beneficial partnership terms.