Yarasheva A.V., Alexandrova O.A., Markov D.I. Labor potential of medical workers: issues of professional burnout. Regional problems of economic transformation. 2024. No. 4(162). Pp. 164-172. DOI 10.26726 ... Yarasheva A.V., Alexandrova O.A., Markov D.I. Labor potential of medical workers: issues of professional burnout. Regional problems of economic transformation. 2024. No. 4(162). Pp. 164-172. DOI 10.26726/1812-7096-2024-4-164-172.ISSN 1812-7096DOI 10.26726/1812-7096-2024-4-164-172РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/contents.asp?id=67924104Posted on site: 22.07.24 AbstractThe article is devoted to professional burnout of medical specialists - one of the key problems of modern healthcare, leading to a decrease in the quality of medical care, turnover and shortage of medical personnel. The study is based on a review of scientific publications on the factors, signs, stages and consequences of professional burnout; secondary analysis of sociological data concerning the prevalence of the phenomenon of professional burnout among Russians; analysis of the results of a mass survey of metropolitan medical workers, conducted with the participation of the authors in 2019 and 2023. It has been shown that such a factor as excessive workload remains: half of the doctors are very tired, every seventh works at the limit of their strength. The reasons remain the same: increased production standards, performance of functions of absent personnel, large volume of reporting. It is concluded that it is necessary to improve the standardization of work for physicians and, at the same time, to prevent and relieve professional burnout.