Komissarov S.N., Karpikhin O.I. Management paradigms in culture. Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. 2024. No. 1. Pp. 61-79. Komissarov S.N., Karpikhin O.I. Management paradigms in culture. Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. 2024. No. 1. Pp. 61-79.ISSN 1998-9873DOI 10.17805/zpu.2024.1.6РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/contents.asp?id=67895003Posted on site: 05.08.24Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: https://journals.mosgu.ru/zpu/article/view/1905 (дата обращения 05.08.2024)AbstractThe article analyzes the correlation between the concepts of state cultural policy and socio-cultural management, representing two different and at the same time adjacent planes of organizational and managerial activity in the field of culture, differing in goal-setting: in one case, it is the self-development of culture for the benefit of society, in the second - improving the efficiency of management activities in commercial cultural organizations, whose corporate interests may contradict national and state ones. This contradiction is exacerbated in the context of the information and cultural expansion of the collective West against Russia. Within the framework of cultural policy, the latter is practically still considered as an industry, the functioning of which is burdensome and unprofitable for the state budget. Within the framework of socio-cultural management, culture is interpreted as a market segment. In practice, both approaches demonstrate one-sidedness and ignore the essence of culture as a way of humanizing the world and man himself. Given the importance of this historical mission of culture, the authors consider it necessary to combine their creative potential and “technological arsenal” in the course of practical management activities in the field of culture, which is the factor of constructive socio-cultural development and preservation of the national cultural sovereignty of Russian society in the 21st century.