Kukonkov P.I., Ustinkin S.V. Uneven spatial development of the region as a factor of structural violence. Обозреватель‑Observer. 2024. No. 3. Pp. 91-102. Kukonkov P.I., Ustinkin S.V. Uneven spatial development of the region as a factor of structural violence. Обозреватель‑Observer. 2024. No. 3. Pp. 91-102.ISSN 2074-2975DOI 10.48137/2074–2975_2024_3_91РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/contents.asp?id=67915493Posted on site: 15.08.24 AbstractBased on the results of sociological research and statistical data on the regions of Russia, the authors consider it necessary to clarify approaches to the problem of structural violence in a changing social space and justify the relevance of the study of regional spatial development in connection with the scale of structural violence. Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents