Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Gezalov A.A. Dialectics of global processes and the formation of polycentricity in the modern world. Vek globalizatsii = Age of Globalization. 2024. No. 2. Pp. 92–101. DOI: 10.30884 ...

Gezalov A.A. Dialectics of global processes and the formation of polycentricity in the modern world. Vek globalizatsii = Age of Globalization. 2024. No. 2. Pp. 92–101. DOI: 10.30884/vglob/2024.02.07 (in Russian).
ISSN 1994-9065
DOI 10.30884/vglob/2024.02.07

Posted on site: 02.09.24

Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 02.09.2024)


The article notes that globalization is a key factor in the formation of polycentricity in the modern world. Globalization as an objective process unites various countries and regions of the world into a single network of economic, political and cultural interrelations. By expanding economic ties, it contributes to an increase in international trade, investment and financial flows between countries. Various States are becoming important players on the world stage and contributing to the global economy. Globalization serves to spread information technology, which helps strengthen ties between different cultures and peoples, and also allows various States to actively participate in global discussions. Globalization also contributes to the development of international organizations and the expansion of cultural ties, where various States have the opportunity to contribute to decision-making. All these factors contribute to the formation of a polycentric system.