Fayzullin F.S., Gezalov A.A. Values of self–awareness as factors in the formation of spirituality of ethnic communities. Representative government - XXI century: legislation, comments, problems. 2024. No. 4 (211). Pp. 41-45. Fayzullin F.S., Gezalov A.A. Values of self–awareness as factors in the formation of spirituality of ethnic communities. Representative government - XXI century: legislation, comments, problems. 2024. No. 4 (211). Pp. 41-45.ISSN 2073-9532DOI 10.54449/207395332_2024_4_41РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/contents.asp?id=67965657Posted on site: 16.09.24 AbstractThe article is devoted to the definition of the role of self-awareness values in ethnic identification. Ethnic identity is a sense of belonging to a certain community acquired by an individual and a community during internalization, which helps them to assert themselves in the complex world of social relations in general and interpersonal in particular. Ethnic self-awareness, of course, is primarily reflected in the entire history of the development of an ethnic group. It is argued that self-awareness, elevated to the rank of the highest idea, becomes the value that allows ethnic communities not only to adapt to the changes taking place, but also, above all, to preserve and reproduce themselves. The complex interweaving of traditional and liberal values, the contradictions between them and their impact on the process of ethnic identification are considered. During periods of important transformations in the life of a community, the self-consciousness of an ethnic group sometimes acquires a militant character, expressed in confrontation, conflicts and mass riots. In this regard, the necessity of creating a special section in the social development programs of the country and multinational regions on forecasting, preventing and regulating the development and functioning of ethnic consciousness and self-awareness is justified.