Arutyunova E., Bessudnov A., Vendina O., Verkhovtsev D., Kamenskikh M. (2024) Obmen mneniyami po povodu stat'i E. Varshavera «Chto imenno issleduetsya, kogda issleduetsya etnichnost'? Deskriptivnaya model' dlya konstruktivistskikh issledovaniy etnichnosti v kontekste kognitivnogo povorota» [Exchange of Views on the Article “What Exactly is Studied When Ethnicity is Researched? A Descriptive Model for Constructivist Studies of Ethnicity in the Context of the Cognitive Turn” by E.Varshaver]. The Russian Sociological Review, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 127-145 (in Russian) Arutyunova E., Bessudnov A., Vendina O., Verkhovtsev D., Kamenskikh M. (2024) Obmen mneniyami po povodu stat`i E. Varshavera «Chto imenno issleduetsya, kogda issleduetsya etnichnost`? Deskriptivnaya model` dlya konstruktivistskikh issledovaniy etnichnosti v kontekste kognitivnogo povorota» [Exchange of Views on the Article “What Exactly is Studied When Ethnicity is Researched? A Descriptive Model for Constructivist Studies of Ethnicity in the Context of the Cognitive Turn” by E.Varshaver]. The Russian Sociological Review, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 127-145 (in Russian)ISSN 1728-192XDOI 10.17323/1728-192x-2024-3-127-145Posted on site: 08.10.24Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 08.10.2024)AbstractThe text presents the opinions of current ethnicity researchers regarding the article by Evgeni Varshaver. While agreeing that the text itself is interesting, the authors, frstly, disagree on its innovativeness, and secondly, in light of the complexity of the phenomenon of ethnicity itself, doubt the possibility of a simple and clear scheme for its study, as Varshaver claims. Among other topics that were discussed: the possibility of quantitative studies of ethnicity in the constructivist paradigm, the nature of the cognitive turn in ethnicity research, etc