Rusinova N.L., Safronov V.V. (2024) Mediating Status Inequalities in Health: AgeDependent Social Capital Effects. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. No. 4. P. 243–265. https: ... Rusinova N.L., Safronov V.V. (2024) Mediating Status Inequalities in Health: AgeDependent Social Capital Effects. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. No. 4. P. 243–265. https:// (In Russ.)ISSN 2219-5467DOI 10.14515/monitoring.2024.4.2536РИНЦ: on site: 24.10.24Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 24.10.2024)AbstractThe study addresses the issue of socio-structural inequalities in health and the impact of social capital on them. It is well established that health improves markedly with education, income, and occupational status. It also improves when individuals possess social capital, in particular when they have access to resources important for health through social ties with individuals of sufficiently high status in society. The development of theoretical insights aimed at addressing this issue has been linked in recent years to testing the hypothesis that social capital may mediate the effects of socioeconomic status on health. The results of empirical testing, however, turn out to be contradictory - some confirm the presence of mediations, but others do not find them. And confirmations were obtained in certain population groups, in particular - among the elderly. The presented analysis of Russian survey data collected under the International Social Survey Program (ISSP 2017) was aimed at substantiating the above theoretical provisions and implied the identification of mediating effects of social capital (professional status of an individual's relatives and acquaintances) when considering educational, as well as income and occupational inequalities in health. Age differences in the manifestation of such mediations were analyzed - age acted as a moderator of mediation effects. The results confirm that in our country status inequalities in health are manifested with full certainty and social capital plays an important role in its preservation. Indirect effects of social capital were found to explain these inequalities to a certain extent. Moreover, age does act as a moderator of the mediating influence of social capital - it was almost imperceptible in younger ages and increased, gaining statistical significance, in older ages.